
6 June - 4 July 2023

Kaliya Kalacheva

June 6 – July 4, 2023

Rakursi gallery is pleased to present the exhibition of Kaliya Kalacheva “Weightlessness” of which the author says:
“Weightlessness is my desire for timelessness.
The desire for freedom and the reach of infinity. The desire for harmony. Years ago, phrases like “the hectic everyday life we live in” seemed absolutely cliché to me. Time is not fast now, it is rapid-fire. Busy everyday life is not a triviality of the past, unfortunately it is already a trend, it is even talked about as fashion. Or perhaps a senseless rush?
What are we missing as we run towards the future? Sunsets and sunrises chase each other in an endless pink earthly paradise. They blend into a single moment that we either wait for or have missed. Again, a desire to do everything and be able to do everything. Pervasive tension.
Weightlessness in the exhibition views the earth’s surface as a platform in a cosmic illusion. Underground cosmos of diamond stars. Desire for the universe. A shot into timelessness. Carousel. Pleasure Park. And what is it? The pleasure of time gained, the pleasure of timelessness.
With this exhibition, I present my reflections from the last months – almost a year – of rapid-fire events, both personal and public. I present my idea for the present moment. For peace, a moment of love, a slow moment of time for something you haven’t done but want it very much.”