12 – 31 December 2013
Rakursi Art Gallery presents the exhibition of Veliko Marinchevski – paintings and graphics. The artist shows his recent works in two cycles – “Sense of Nature” where are reflected the perfect spaces and the harmony in the connection between man and nature. The other cycle presents particular conditions and explores forms, using a couple of violoncellists.
The artist has established a distinctive style, created in his consistent work in Bulgaria, in his experience in Vienna, and mainly in the east – Japan and China. The works of Veliko Marinchevski bear one authentic message of life in the beauty of the moment, where symmetry, statics and rhythm are present.
Veliko Marinchevski is a young artist who actively participates with his graphics in international forums – biennials and triennials of graphic-art and is rewarded with prestige awards. One of his latest award is a Grand Prix of the International Biennial of Small Graphic “St. Niklaas” in Belgium this year. Again this year he was selected as one of the fourty artists worldwide in the International Small Engraving Exhibition “Avagami”, Japan.