
3 November 2010

Stanislav Pamouktchiev  and Emil Popov

Stanislav Pamouktchiev 
Emil Popow
3 – 17 November, 2010

Two famous Bulgarian artists – Stanislav Pamouktchiev- painter and Emil Popov – sculptor, present their latest works in Rakursi art gallery.

The drawings „Mithographs“ of Stanislav Pamouktchiev, created in 2009, are searches in aspects of the forms and themes, dominated by the artist’s interest in the mythology. The „Mythographs“ work on the psychological and cultural-mythological levels, over the collective unconscious and the archetypes.The drawings are made on a type of handmade paper with charcoal, ash, dry pigments, aquarelle, acrylic emulsion.

Emil Popov presents sculptures of animals. Aside from his works in defferent styles and matertials, he likes and needs to make this kind of sculptures, which provoke similar historical and culturel referances as the drawings of Stanislav Pamouktchiev.

Emil Popov and Stanislav Pamouktchiev are gathered in this exhibition by their artistic and human friendship and by their sensibility to the simplicity of the artistic expression.