From the Atelier

11 December 2012 - 5 January 2013

Greddy Assa

From the Atelier
11 December – 5 January

Rakursi Art Gallery presents the exhibition “From the Atelier” of Greddy Assa from 11 December 2012 through 5 January 2013.

The exhibition is hommage to artists, poets, writers whom Greddy Assa very high prices, a kind of imaginary conversation with them. It could be find starting points of his attitude towards those who he admires in devotion of the beautiful which always is good as well.

The art work discover unknown dimention of the sensitivity to the world. It brings together a knot of feelings, thoughts, experiences. It penetrates our inner experience. We fall in love with her as in person. The key to the painting is not in itself but in us.