Aquarelle memories

5 April 2005

Ivan Tzonev

Ivan Tzonev
Aquarelle memories
Rakursi Art Gallery presents the exhibition “Aquarelle memories” of Ivan Tzonev from 5 to 19 April 2005.

The artist was born in 1928 in Shoumen.

In 1954 he graduated the University for Architecture in Sofia and through his creative activities he works as a scenographer. He made the scenography for more than 250 stage productions and realized 49 guest-performances abroad – in Germany, Poland, Russia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Jugoslavia, ect.

Ivan Tzonev has taken part in international exhibitions and all national exhibitions for scenography and he has been awarded for high achievements. Among the prizes are: for scenography of I, II, III and IV-th national review of the puppet theatre – Sofia, the prize for scenography of the Union of Bulgarian actors in 1976 and 1978, Prize for scenography of the Union of Bulgarian artists in 1977 , First prize for scenography of the International festival “The Golden Dolphin” – 1975 and 1978, ect.

“Aquarelle memories” in “Rakursi” Art Gallery is his VI-th solo exhibition and presents aquarelles which are made during last summer. The art works are saturated with light and radiate simplicity and harmony. You can perceive the philosophical and peaceful view of life of the artist.