“A Glimpse outwards”
Antonia Angelova, Veliko Marinchevski, Ivailo Hristov, Kiril Kuzmanov,
Martina Munse, Michael Fischer-Art and Michel Schneider
6th July – 17th August 2006
Gallery Rakursi presents from 6th July to 17th August the exhibition “A Glimpse outwards” of seven young Bulgarian and German artists.
All participants graduated lately Art Academies. The German artists belong to the “Leipzig School of Art” – with which gallery Rakursi maintains regular contacts.
The exhibition shows paintings, sculptures and graphics. Regardless of their art- specialties, the artists present works in different techniques. So the graphic artist Veliko Marinchevski shows paintings, the sculptor Kiril Kuzmanov – graphics and sculptures, Michel Fischer – Art – drawings and acrylic paintings.